Thursday, March 22, 2007

Running on the Dreadmill

I'm an outside runner. Oh sure, I'll run on the treadmill when it's too icy outside or if it's too snowy (it's gotta snow alot), or too cold (although I've been out in sub-zero temps. and not exactly sure where my threshold is there). But there is one inevitable situation that comes up from time to time that I simply cannot avoid. When the wife leaves early for training or other out of town work, I am responsible for our dogs.

What's the connection? Well, we've got very tempermental greyhounds that get weirded out when you change their routine, so instead of me heading out to leave them alone; and unfed, I choose to stay in the house until my normal departure time for work. That way, the routine stays somewhat close and we don't have our dogs too upset. I know; pathetic. But I've grown used to it. It doesn't happen that often, so a small price to pay for the animals I love so dearly (we don't have kids; so at least I've got that going for me).

Nevertheless, this morning was one of those days. And unfortunately for me, today was a 9 mile run. 9 miles on the treadmill. Days like today, I like to call it the Dreadmill! But when things seem bleak, and the time drags on and the little red lights aren't going around the mini track fast enough, there is a benefit to be had. Today was a mental day if I've ever had one. When you're out on the roads running double digit miles, I realized that the motivation to finish is to "get back home". But when you're already "home", what is the motivation? To watch the little red lights blink endlessly and watch the decimals of miles pass by ever so slowly.

In the end, I got through it. And dreaded every minute of it. But there is satisfaction in breaking through the mental wall that I will eventually hit on May 6 in Cincinnati. And when I get there, I'll remember March 22 and my dreaded dreadmill workout and how I fought the good fight. Somehow, I think I'll get through anything now.

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